Consultancy Services
• Planning
• Buying or Investing in an Existing Business
• Selling a Business
• Raising Money
Access to quality management information is essential if a business is to run smoothly and profitably.
Budgeting, forecasting and managing cash-flows, credit and stock control are vital management tools. Sustained growth of your business is unlikely without this information.
Equally important is the setting up of computerised or manual information systems which can generate accurate data efficiently.
CWA can help you and your business with:
• Strategic and business planning.
• Financial management
• Budgetary control systems.
• Buying or Investing in an Existing Business
If you are planning to buy or invest in an existing business, a thorough analysis of the target company’s financial records will provide you with vital insights into its current operations, health and future prospects.
Understanding the financial condition of the business will help you assess its current and potential future value.
CWA can provide a full service for clients wishing to buy an existing business, including assistance in negotiating the purchase price and payment terms.
Selling a Business
When selling a business, your aim is to maximise the proceeds and minimise any tax liabilities. Timing and the form of the sale are often critical.
CWA has all the expertise at hand for clients with businesses to sell, including assistance with negotiations and retirement planning.
Raising Money
More and more, the UK relies heavily on the success of the small business sector. Yet small firms find it hard to find finance; the big banks are still the main source of money.
CWA have established strong links with all major banks. We can introduce you to the right people, help you get the support you deserve, prepare your business plan and join you at the presentation to support your case. Bank borrowing may not be the answer for your business, it may be better to look elsewhere; to factor your debtors, sell and lease back assets, lease rather than buy to conserve hard earned cash, where appropriate, access our network of Business Angels and other sources of finance.